My own zeolite story

When I heard the tone of a friend’s voice lift, I asked her (on a phone call) ‘Is this the new homeopath’s doing?’ – to hear that no, it was some detoxing drops – I thought – can only help Kathryn – my profoundly autistic daughter.

As my friend was so much better – there was no way I was not giving these a go for her – and hence would trial them out myself first.

Once I got my own stash – they come in from America – I took 10 drops, went to bed and awoke with a clearer head . . . (I thought – impossible!! – I must have imagined it I thought to myself. And kept taking ten drops three times daily.
Several months went by and I started to noticed that I could walk up hills – previously due to my congestive heart failure and prolapsed mitral valve this was not possible. I was not able t previously talk whilst walking – or even carrying my own water bottle with me. Any gradient, and I was just not able to – although on the flat I could walk for miles.  .

What was the difference? 10 drops three times a day – no other changes as I had for years by then been through everything I could think of – including retiring from practice – to try to resolve this for myself.

I have kept these up – as I had had exposure to my father’s constant cigarette smoking as I grew up, a lot of asbestos when in my late 20’s and moxa smoke all the working life meaning I really worry about my lungs. . . so to ensure I have as little toxins in me as possible – I take these and have done for years – as I have had my daughter on them – as she was profoundly different after the first few days.

How to create your own massive life changes?

Do something different.

The steps

Go to this site and sign up.
Detox dose is 5 drops x 6 daily. Definitely drink a lot more water. Constantly. Flush it all out.
It says in the label to take 3 x 3 – is the maintenance dose – take the detox for ideally at last 3 months .
I would keep doing this as long as possible. Babies – maybe this  but even 1 year olds – you want them better as soon as you can. MUST drink more water.

The plastic bottles are ‘safe’ – I buy them as they do not break

NCD is available in Plastic or Glass Bottles 
The standard bottle is a 15mL (300 drops) PET bottle (the plastic material is inert to the ingredients of NCD). There is NCD2 which has a stronger concentration of zeolite in a 15mL Glass Bottle with rubber / glass drop dispenser. This is a little per bottle more expensive than the standard bottle. To order glass bottles (known as “NCD2”), please click there.  To order standard bottles of original NCD, please order as usual.

The capsules are wonderful if you are enhancing your immune system – cancer or any other chronic diseases. Start with the drops and next time – maybe buy the capsules/drops together – and maybe add in one of your family members – and ’under’ you – so you have both running at once. . . why would you not?

Reminder – Get the plastic ones – they are better formulation . .
