Vitamin C

You could look to this site and see just what we could be doing if natural cures – yes – cures – are not being used.  .

Vitamin C is the answer to almost any problem . .. as we as humans cannot make it.

Although this takes 2 hours to watch  it is so worth it as Dr Humpries disperses all the medical myths that all seem to follow – as Vit C is essential for life – and the sicker you are – the more you need.

Starting with Ebola – just why is the easiest way to inactivate a virus not being used?
(And of course all the worry unnecessarily about whooping – cough – Vit C IV would resolve this almost instantly – as it ha in the past prior to all the vaccines and the drugs.
Why does no one know this?
Very good question . .

Please look to the latest book on the subject – Primal Panacea by Dr Thomas Levi

Perhaps listen to his 10 minute interview here

He looks to the common medical myths:

  • No studies on the usage of Vit C supplementation
  • There is no evidence that Vit C supplementation works
  • Vit C supplementation is not safe
  • Vit C supplementation causes Kidney stones
  • Vit C needs are met by normal diet
  • Large supplementation doses make expensive urine
  • If Vit C supplementation worked we will all be using it.

So why not use it? Swine flu . . . and how to fix it

 Vit C and pneumonia

Best to use lypogenic Vit C

read more here

Reactive oxidative stress is a part of modern life

It messes with male and female fertility and causes cancer to take off.

Vitamin C is needed for life – and we can’t make it – goats can .. .

A goat  will produce about 13 grams of vitamin C every day.
That’s enough to keep the average man healthy in most circumstances.

But if a goat is stressed/ wounded or suffers a massive infection, it — and virtually all other wild animals — can synthesize as much as 100,000 additional mg (100 grams) of vitamin C to get them through the crisis.

We cannot do that. And since few of us take 13 grams a day of oral vitamin C, we get sick in staggering numbers.

  • Can you overdose of vitamin C?
  • Does vitamin C cause kidney stones?

The answer to both questions is “NO!”

Dr. Thomas Levy, in his book, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins says:

“In Australia alone, some 100 physicians have administered as much as 300,000 mg of vitamin C PER DAY to their patients. In most cases, the results have been spectacular. The only side effect is chronic good health.”

Vitamin C is used by all beings as a way to handle stress.

It is a liver metabolite. We need a lot daily.

Look at what  we could be doing to help ourselves – cheaply, safely and effectively.

Not just in any viral or bacterial attack and their after effects – but in all cases of just about anything you may think to visit the doctor about: cancer and hormonal disruption and all ‘hormonal’ and adrenal problems – more often will help you.

Should you be diagnosed with cancer at least treating yourself for stress (and liver detoxing) regardless of what route you go down would be a good move forwards . .. independently of the fact that your liver obviously has not been doing as good a job as it could.

Vitamin C is needed extensively in your body to detoxify the liver – as the major clearing-house in the body of all chemicals and wastes.

It stands to reason that if you are weakening, or know you are to be under more stress – then more Vitamin C is needed.

Any condition with liver involvement it can only help to take more Vitamin C as it restores normal functioning.

This also means that if you have any liver problem – a fatty liver, hepatitis, any hormonal issues – especially women’s ones and endometriosis and PCOS – whyever are you not supporting your liver by taking as much of this as often as possible?

Drinking alcohol, caffeinated drinks and taking prescription drugs (esp ‘the pill’ or any progesterone implant) from the doctor without taking a lot of Vitamin C will increase the side effects of the drugs.

– and the reasons for even taking them in the first place may be lessened if your intake of Vitamin C is sufficient – esp if you have an infection, or  a circulatory problem.

We need vastly more Vitamin C to live well than the little tiny bit the RDA states that stops us from getting scurvy.

It is a little bit like a Swiss army knife – very versatile . .

If smoking, each cigarette takes more Vitamin C out of your body – leading eventually to poor neurological function, circulation impairment and eye disease (the retina needs twice as much as any other body tissue).

Of course the chemicals in the cigarette and the damage done due to these and the actual heat coming into the lungs with them all are gradually killing off healthy cells.

When stressed we need more Vitamin C and if we don’t have it on hand, degenerative and immunological and auto immune responses are activated and accelerate aging!!!
Not to mentions  the general stress and cancer responses.

You may have noticed that when you get stressed, you tend to get sick.

So just increase the frequency and the amount of number of doses of Vitamin C in your and your children’s days, and see mood and life brighten.

Of course if you plan to vaccinate – make sure that the Vitamin C levels are well topped up before, and after as the C will protect the liver and general body from potential toxin damage.

The body should be as well as it has ever been before immuisation so there is internal resilience/immune strength to meet all the toxins that come on board with the active ingredients.

From here you might of course ask -’ are the vaccines tested as well on other animals that can’t make their own Vitamin C (guinea pigs or the few monkeys that don’t)  just like humans?

A very separate issue to the fact that safety of the vaccines not being proven.

If you wonder if taking Vitamin C is safe – please investigate how safe it is to vaccinate – especially if there is not enough magnesium and Vitamin C to assist the process within you to provide the appropriate immunological support.

Possibly this is why so many see their children change when they vaccinate – a good insurance policy to stay well whilst attempting to be good. You will need extra Glutathione to be made within your cells to cope with the insult.

Contrary to popular opinion, oranges are not a good source of Vitamin C.

If you take as a matter of course, EVERY DAY at least as much as you would make if you were you an animal that made its own Vitamin C ( for the average person of medium build, that would be 10 GRAMS daily) your body will hum along in great health.

Vitamin C can be taken as a powder mixed with water, and is easily taken as a frequent sipping exercise.

If you do not have any bowel disturbance, then you could well take more.
If you take too much at once, or too much altogether – you will get a bowel loosening reaction.

If you do, just ease up on the Vitamin C intake and your bowels will soon be back to normal.

We need a constant intake of Vitamin C, especially if attempting to sort out a health problem – be it low sperm production, depression and or arthritis.  More on Vit C and sperm improvement

It is all the same – you need a little Vitamin C, taken often.
Taking a bunch at once won’t work as being water soluble, it is not stored in the body and will be passed through.

When ill, especially if under any inflammatory process (e.g. all auto immune and degenerative and inflammatory processes) then obviously getting away from what is aggravating your body would be a start.

These are often the result of common addictions that are accepted as normal living – e.g. sugar and the rush it brings.

Start thinking logically about why we eat at all and what you could be doing to radically remake yourself.

Perhaps stop and think of that thing that freaks most out – cancer – watch this woman’s story – all she did was reverse out of what she had made (her health problem).

There have been many innovative doctors who in desperation have stopped and thought things through instead of following the generally accepted advice.

Before the advent of the tightened pharmacological and medical protocols people looked more at the obvious, as they were taught by their mums.

Individual solutions for healing rather than medications made for profit are what we should be looking at. This is all I can think of as I read this version of one doctor’s lifework – as he says again and again – why is there no research?

Vitamin C can help, whether it is

  • an alarming diabetic ulcer,
  • a potential leg or other bit cut out,
  • a retinal problem (eyes use twice as much as any other body part – so to preserve your sight alone,
  • bruising should you be hurt – especially as a sports injury

Taking a little Vitamin C, often, is a good plan to stave all these and innumerable other conditions

– and of course it helps collagen repair and will slow the wrinkles down.

Another doctor’s experiences are found at the Vitamin C Foundation.

The answers to almost ALL the problems befalling an ailing human population are easily rectified with Simple. Natural. Solutions. From nature. Hidden out there in front of us.

Dr Klenner – Hidden in plain sight

Dr Archie Kalokerinos – His life’s work

I strongly suggest you find a copy of Every Second Child – as an expose as to just how ridiculous humans can be – when an answer is outside their reality – they will ignore it – doctors especially. It is in your own best interests to start to think independently.

Especially now the vaccination debacle is amongst us  just who thought that injecting poisons would be seen as the pinnacle of health promotion? So many have gone before to show the way – almost all these apparently deadly disease are no match for what is there waiting for us – Vitamin C and in therapeutic not recommended daily doses.

There are other sources you can read more on this. You could start here:


If you have Lyme’s disease – or something that is not able to be remedied through normal pharmaceutical ways – possibly it is like the wilting pot plant – it needs water – not fertiliser, not a black sparkling sugar laced soft drink – but water.

. .and you may need a huge constant IV dose of what would sort out the endo toxins and the disease issues (vitamin C), whilst building up your immune system.

This has been investigated by desperate doctors, and yet their amazing results are not replicated as there is not money to be made – just cures going missing!

TB – when searching for a drug ($$ for all – not cures) –  they accidentally found that ‘good old Vit C’ killed TB – read all about it in the work done by the doctors mentioned above +50 years ago . . .

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