Pelvic Floor Problems

A recent article in the NZ Herald focussed on pelvic floor problem in women after childbirth.

It’s estimated a third of women suffer from incontinence problems after having a baby. The issues stem from the sling of muscle and tissue running between the pubic and tail bones – often called the pelvic floor – weakening after pregnancy and childbirth.

This is something to think about when you’re faced with teenagers listing the ways in which you’ve “ruined their life”.

Weight-gain, getting older, heavy lifting and the like can all contribute so the child-free are not immune to pelvic floor-related issues.

The good news is that it can be fixed with exercises and those can also make you a better runner.

And it’s never too late, ladies. Women in their 80s have been helped.


  • Avoidance
  • Repair
  • Management


Childbirth itself is not the cause . . . poor nursing advice and management may be.

When in late labour, before pushing a baby out make sure peeing happens every half hour as pushing past a full bladder can lead to incontinence.

So does using any cold or ice packs at that time to numb the feelings (and also slow healing down)

See  . . .link to somewhere in the site that gives some info them lead them to Easy birth preparation)

Almost all women who come into my clinic post baby who have urine running down their legs can not remember ‘going’ leading up to baby coming.

A simple nursing task overlooked in amongst all the recording of important data. . . . so dads to be – listen up!


How to help?

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs immediately post birth to allow healing rather than passively hoping all will come right in time.


Anion pads – as they are safe – if thinking you may leak, wearing a supermarket brand is not ideal as they cause chemical toxicity through their recycled products having been bleached to look pristine.

Standard pads are also NOT allowing ‘breathing’ down there.  Wearing a pad that has a negative ion strip to kill all bacteria/fungal growths and to normalise and heal the local area may mean besides no odours AT ALL there may be a lack of dripping as the negative ins return normal functioning.

If you wear a liner every day – this is your break!!

After wearing them daily when not bleeding often women find their gyne issues are also resolved – so they do not need to wear liners and are not looking down the nose of massive bleeding and operations to stop it all for good.

Try them here . .

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