Depression/Mood Disorders


When we have not resource s/skills/tools to process – things can get stored up and eventually overpower ‘life’ as we try to ‘cope’/survive..
Liver Qi HAS to flow . . .
Trouble happens when it can’t.
We may pretend that ‘all behind us’ or we are ‘over it’ or whatever – NOPE – stored in tissues.  . holding on – eventually that volcano will blow.

Where does ‘stress’ go?

Please look to the information I have on Stuck Liver Qi  or on the site

Depression is also often no more than an offshoot of the low thyroid function.

Often helping yourself is as simple as changing your nutritional status.
From there it is easier to FEEL like doing something different.
From there also the metabolism may start to chug along better . . . leading to all things being clearer/not so difficult for you.

Begin with . . .

1) – Begin with protein – even a piece of cheese every time you feel to have something sweet.
Sweet is not your friend. (Best way to counteract cravibgs is to have mor enourishing foods and fat on board and if you are still looking for a sugar hit – drizzle some lemon juice straight into your mouth – it works!!!!
2) – Try exercise – whenever upset grab the skipping rope and go outside and do 50/100 brisk skips – and come back inside for a glass of non chilled water and a piece of protein – a small piece of anything that is not from a cereal or fruit or is sweet will be fine – a small stick of carrot/celery in a dip will work here . . .
3) – Reduce all caffeine, chocolate and alcohol – the self medication to feel better is part of why the body is just not working well. You will not believe how much better you will feel – almost instantly!!
4) – Find a great B complex and take half a tablet SIX (yes 6) times a day.

5) – VIt C is used up when we are stressed – and we need a lot daily for optimal health – and to detoxify all chemicals in the liver – Vit C it is NOT in oranges – and avoid all fruit as this is also a sugar hit – go to powdered supplements and have a little often – and heaps of fresh coloured veggies daily.

Although it is hardly given a mention in regular medical and often even health food shops – Magnesium deficiency will give you a swathe of symptoms that leave you depressed and achy and not able to cope.
Start here.

Magnesium Depletion

This happens easily -as when ever we feel stressed/under pressure we use more Magnesium in our bodies . . . if it is available.
When lacking in Magnesium – you are far more likely to have already found things wrong, and gone off to the doctor and now be on anti depressants, muscle relaxants, sleeping aids and mood enhancers.

Often I am asked – what happens if I take too much Magnesium?

If you ingest ‘too much’ Magnesium – you will  eventually get loose stools – and pooh more – for most this would be advantageous.  If you are using Magnesium on your skin, this will not happen and it absorbs far easier this way. That leaves the way clear to use more Vit C as when stressed, we need more. At least 10 GRAMS a day in a powder form sipped all day will make such a difference to you – you would not credit it.

Just try adding to your daily routine what help your adrenal function – small frequent amounts of Vit B, and C – as they are water soluble and need constant topping up – and magnesium and if you live in Australia and New Zealand where the soils are deficient in Zinc – this in minute but easily available amounts.  All will change for the better r- and your mood in addition to your state of energy and health – will rise!!

No one asks – what happens if I eat too much cake? Sugar? Chocolate?
More Magnesium – as a liquid from being mixed as a powder usually works better – or/and lying in an Epsom salts bath (at least twice weekly – and a half kilo each bath) may make a world of difference to you.

What about panic attacks/anxiety?

Stop all caffeine, start exercising more and protein – a little every three hours with NO sugar top ups can only help.
Bring in the Vit B, C Magnesium and Zinc – and see what happens next . . . taking any form of pyschotrophic drug will only create more trouble – as they are not designed to HELP you (t is  avery big business enterprise to keep you tied into seeing our doctor, not being active in your own healing) – and most of these drugs are not  better than placebo -all the while, NOT addressing why you are feeling as you do when you were offered them instead of real help to change your life.   Please investigate Why Psychotrophic drugs are not your best friend.
Also here

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