
Warning : If You Are Concerned About Heavy Metals and Detoxifying in your body, You Need to have this Vital Information …

“The Shocking Truth About Eliminating Toxins You Won’t Find Anywhere Else…”

Discover why your health, even your very life may be at risk
and how to attain more energy and life force by removing toxins from your body.


Heather Bruce - Common Sense Consultant
Heather Bruce – Common Sense Consultant


Heavy Metals from fillings, fish and other sources
could be draining your energy right now!

FACT: We live on a toxic planet with over 75,000 new chemicals introduced in the last 60 years.
FACT: Less than 7% of these have been tested for their effect on us.
FACT: A recent study showed 27 toxins in 100% of people tested.
FACT: There is new technology that effectively removes heavy metals and toxins from your body.
FACT: This technology is totally safe.


For more information and to order your liquid zeolites here.

If you have any questions please ask Heather. 


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