Liquid Zeolites info

Removing Heavy Metals and Toxins From Our Bodies Has Been a Challenge Till Now…

“How To Quickly And Safely Remove The Toxins And Heavy Metals Which Damage Your Body Every Day”

It’s a fact of modern life. We all live in a Toxic Environment. A recent study showed 100% of subjects had Mercury in their bodies and 26 of 39 deadly toxins. In the 21st Century, we simply cannot avoid being attacked. There is only one way to deal with this challenge. We must find a way to remove the toxins and limit the damage.

We live on a toxic planet. Over 7,000 new chemicals have been introduced in the past 50 years and less than 7% have been tested for safety. Millions are suffering from modern diseases, not even thought about a century ago. This includes our children. Evidence is growing that our environment is a major cause of this situation. Let’s face it, if your garden is full of weeds, it is very hard to grow healthy plants. Your body is no different. Like it or not, your life is being affected by toxins right now!

Traditional Detox Methods

Until now, the best way to eliminate these toxins has been liver or colon cleansing. Most cleansing products focus on improving the function of your gastrointestinal tract. They remove waste which carries some of the toxins in your body. Unfortunately, while you feel a whole lot better when your bowel is working properly, it simply doesn’t do the job efficiently enough.

The New, Safe, Easy and Effective Way To Detox

New technology using Clinoptilolite, a volcanic mineral allows us to remove heavy metals and toxins safely and efficiently. You simply ingest  few drops every day and the Clinoptilolite hunts out toxins and heavy metals in your body like little pacmen, capturing them and harmlessly passing them through the urine.

This incredible product has over 40 years of research to support it and we’ve got full documentation that will leave you with zero doubt that it is the most important supplement you will ever take.

Here, a University Professor who explains that removal of heavy metals is essential for treatments to work effectively. (I know it is a bit Scientific).

“Without addressing the underlying metals issue, treatments using many natural medicine approaches become merely palliative and symptomatic relief, and, allopathic in Naturopathic clothing. Removal of the stressors to a system is always the priority option to improve the function of the system”.“We cannot ignore the metals issue any longer particularly when a product as efficient and easy to use as Zeolite is available to us”.Spontaneous Dispersion of Oxides and Salts to Zeolites and Its ApplicationsXIE Youchang, TANG Youqi (College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, 100871)

Finally, there is an answer available to everyone. In one month simply taking a few drops a day of a safe, natural product, you can remove most of the toxins in your body.

If you are lacking energy, or suffering from any lack of well being toxins are probably part of the problem. For many people, removing toxins and heavy metals using Zeolite, allows other remedies to work more effectively. Let’s face it, if all the nutrition in the soil in your garden is absorbed by the weeds, there is none left to make the flowers grow.

In Summary, Natural Zeolite:

  • Increases energy levels and immune function because of its secondary effect of taking out the toxic minerals, pesticides and herbicides
  • Promotes a sense of well being, clarity, peace and happiness due to the detox but primarily according to preliminary research that it increases serotonin.
  • Improves liver function
  • Improves nutrient absorption
  • Balances PH

What Can You Do Today

The plastic bottles are ‘safe’ – I buy them as they do not break

NCD is available in Plastic or Glass Bottles 
The standard bottle is a 15mL (300 drops) PET bottle (the plastic material is inert to the ingredients of NCD). There is NCD2 which has a stronger concentration of zeolite in a 15mL Glass Bottle with rubber / glass drop dispenser. This is a little per bottle more expensive than the standard bottle. To order glass bottles (known as “NCD2”), please click there.  To order standard bottles of original NCD, please order as usual.

The capsules are wonderful if you are enhancing your immune system – cancer or any other chronic diseases. Start with the drops and next time – maybe buy the capsules/drops together – and maybe add in one of your family members – and ’under’ you – so you have both running at once. . . why would you not?


For more information and to order your liquid zeolites here.

If you have any questions please ask Heather.

In my opinion, this is the most exciting advance in this area in the last 20 years. When we say it is the most important supplement you will ever take, we mean it. Once you get rid of toxins and heavy metals, all your supplements, diets and herbs will work more effectively. It is just plain simple logic!

So take action today. 

After taking this product for a month, you will be feeling fantastic and those around you will notice the difference. At least that is what is happening to thousands of people right now!

Heather Bruce

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