Therapeutic use of cold

Therapeutic use of cold

– will it help or hinder?


Is this what you want?

The contradiction in approaches can often leave people confused when they visit a physiotherapist, doctor or chiropractor who recommends that they use ice to treat their muscular injury, and then consults an acupuncturist who advises them to use heat and not ice.

The problem for all is that pain is caused through a lack of normal circulation.
Down the track, arthritis in the joint damaged as it could not repair itself as the blood could not get there as you used ice as you wanted to not feel the pain.
What of the natural swelling? Body has it there to slow you down so it can heal.
Ensuring that the damaged bit got a rest.

If you want continual pain and patchy healing – get in the body’s way.
You then get to become high maintenance and spend heaps going back and forth to the prsn who told you to keep icing the part that needs heat and rest and healing.
Stop up the circulation and it will stay upset and hurting.


Cold on women’s bodies

This is so much worse when modern obstetric ‘best practice’ (unheard of 20 years ago) is forcing women to create their own life and health problems when they leave the hospital after having their baby by icing their damaged perineums, or engorged breasts.  No Asian mother or family would allow any young girl to even drink cool water as it is a great way to create a life of menstrual pain and clotting and reproductive suffering.


The use of the medical labels (‘hormonal’) for problem periods (or the ‘solution’ of turning the natural ones off and using chemicals to stop periods or at least ‘moderate’ them – do not address why there is the imbalance to create the warning signs.

This does not rescue the lives of the unfortunates who are told that they have endometriosis or PCOS or fibroids – yet something as simple as getting rid of all cool invasions can help ease the pain and over bleeding dramatically.

Ice/cold may numb the area – and it may temporarily fell like a blessing.  Heat application would feel far better – as the healing would happen faster. Reiki (energy healing) gives heat.  So does touch, massage towards the area to alleviate the stagnation and allow healing blood flow, as does Chinese liniments, Tiger Balm and so on, as does moxa (see moxa in pregnancy – free download).

Using ice or cold, the circulation of the healing and warming and nourishing blood flow is blocked. Besides more pain and less healing, this also leaves the body open to all manner of illnesses and later prolapses, incontinence, over bleeding and all other signs of weakness central Qi or Spleen Yang.  (insert the Spleen Yang picture).
Especially inability to digest well leading to a lessening of all parts of self.

For injuries, the use of ice ensures the visits to all the physical professionals who try to alleviate the non healing – all the while you may be icing the injury to make sure it stays not healed.

Why not try Heat as ice will not be working?

If you want to know more please consult the COLD eBook within the early pregnancy package.

Briefly stated – putting ice or cold on anything damaged will further damage your body.
Circulation is congested, stagnated and leads in the structure to later ‘arthritis’ that is helped by heat.

Anywhere in the body (esp the lower abdomen) that is helped through heat.
The digestion – is not helped by drinking/eating cool things – and often the poor digestion just needs all ingredients supplied at body temperature. . so simple..

Adding cold leads to more trouble.

As recent as yesterday a mother rang very concerned for her daughter who had just given birth and was now in the midst of a uterine infection. After having asked about the placenta (usual issue – a piece left within) I then rang the new mum.
“Did you put any ice/cold anywhere near yourself after the birth?’
“Yes – I put ice pack down my pants’;

So there we are – even though I and her mum spoke of not doing this, it was offered by health care professional – and indeed insisted upon, so it must be right.  (where is their research to say it does not cause the epidemic of mastitis and incontinence and all Spleen Qi weak symptoms (see above)?

No research as there is no need – everyone knows this works.
It may help a footie player get up and go again but it wrecks a woman’s future.

What needs to happen now for the young mother with the antibiotics and the future mastitis and more bleeding and gut issues for herself and the baby? My signature treatment – we have to get rid of the stored cold so the body can work again.

Otherwise she is in for  a long haul of problems that have now become expected.
They were not prevalent in the generations back who had more sense than to invest in a short term ‘fix’.

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