Vitamin D is a nutrient, not a drug
An essential ingredient.
The sun is there to give us life.

Please read this study . . explore what I have here
And get better naturally.
Immune enhancement
Worry no more about ‘catching’ things – ensure that your Vit D levels are at the highest end of ‘normal’ – and there are no recommended daily allowance levels anyway – so why not just make totally sure – worst that can happen is you feel wonderful!!!
See more here – from Dr Marc Sircus’s site Vertitus
Also here – infectious disease – and Vit D3 enhancement
Perhaps start here – as no doctor you are possibly exposed to has had this experience.
Vitamin D is vastly important for normal immune responses (especially anti allergies and anti cancer) and of course – we make ALL our hormones from Vitamin D and fat.
How to not catch colds/etc – seasonal illnesses from lack of sunlight or excessive use of sunscreen and not eating fats to activate the Vitamin D3.
Vit D and Prostate cancer
PLEASE – watch all of this – NOT child abuse – in the usual sense – IT IS ABUSE to not make babies well..
This starts with maternal nutrition – lack of Vit D3 – and this is all the maternal gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, larger mothers and general ill health. You have a uterus that is not full of time – and a mum before birth with really bad reflux – take0ing antacids. . .need to take a lot of Vit D3 . .I tell all to start for a month – 50,000 iu daily – often for more than a month.
The epidemic of diabetes . .
Vitamin D deficiency is linked to type 1 diabetes – and you can change this. Especially if pregnant when you need a lot more anyway – and to then stop all worrying you about potential Gestational Diabetes .. . prevention is all you need – Vit D levels on the high side (no real RDA – just a guestimate) and magnesium to help detoxify and to allow great gut function and optimal cardiac/muscle function and happy sleeping and easy moods!!
Need more dietary fat (not oils)
Without ingested fat (not what is on your body – that comes from sugar and eating what reduces to sugar and is STORED as fat) there is not much Vitamin D generation.
See how diet and lifestyle make the difference here.
Eight common diseases linked to Vitamin D deficiency
We need dietary fat to use our Vit D production process on the skin from the sun – so if there is NOT dietary fats in the diet – see below) and please spend the time (75 mins) to watch this
Also perhaps visit this site
If you are pregnant, nursing or thinking of either read this article on sunlight and breastfeeding.
Tooth Problems?

(Who said that Vit D was for bones???
Remineralising teeth – as in healing cavities naturally and whitening and general doing tooth REPAIR!!! Also here – the basics come from way better food – as in natural – see all on Weston Price’s work – esp avoiding root canals . . and how to change dental practices with the whole body in mind . . start with as we were designed to live – under the sun (growing our own foods) and eating all naturally grown foods.
Please see how Vitamin D is beneficial to babies.
Autism avoidance
How to avoid autism – or reduce its catastrophic blooming
Take 2,000 minimum – preferably 5,000 iu Vitamin D daily
If in pain, and especially fibromyalgia or muscle pain, take at least 10,000iu after several 50,000iu hits as this will be a life saver. Then look to the information on magnesium.
Don’t want to deal with cancer?
(Esp breast) and of course without nutrients – how is the body to work – and with all the toxins on board – how are the nutrients lovingly chosen as the ‘best’ food you can get actually going to be useful to you – and here we have a modern connundrum – put it all together and you have the minerals info on all the other pages on this site – go to see what all the bromide and fluoride and mercury and aluminum are doing to your ability to function .
Is vitamin D the wonder vitamin? Can it prevent certain cancers and chronic diseases?
Modern disease and Vitamin D depletion
Find these answers and more in this series brought to you by UCSD School of Medicine and GrassrootsHealth where experts discuss the latest research on vitamin D. In this program, Robert Heaney, MD, talks about vitamin D as a nutrient, not a drug. Series: Vitamin D Deficiency – Treatment and Diagnosis [6/2010] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 18718]
What is a Vitamin D deficiency? (44 mins)
Dr Robert Heaney, MD, gives an overview of vitamin D deficiency. Series: Vitamin D Deficiency – Treatment and Diagnosis [2/2009] [Health and Medicine] [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 15751]
Vitamin D: UV The Original Source – How to Use It (43 mins)
Is vitamin D the wonder vitamin? Can it prevent certain cancers and chronic diseases? Find these answers and more in this series brought to you by UCSD School of Medicine and GrassrootsHealth where experts discuss the latest research on vitamin D. In this program, Dr Edward Gorham, PhD, talks about how to use the sun, or UV light, for vitamin D synthesis. Series: Vitamin D Deficiency – Treatment and Diagnosis [6/2010] [Health and Medicine] [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 18717]
Almost everyone in the UK gets insufficient Vitamin D
(Cloudy weather)
Vit D and MS (multiple sclerosis) repair (and prevention by extension)
Free ebooks to download instantly
Vitamin D Prevents Cancer: Is It True?
(29 mins) In a new study, researchers at the UCSD School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center used a complex computer prediction model to determine that intake of vitamin D3 and calcium would prevent 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer annually in the US and Canada. The researchers model also predicted that 75% of deaths from these cancers could be prevented with adequate intake of vitamin D3 and calcium. Join Dr Carole Baggerly with GrassrootsHealth as she discusses this new research. Series: Vitamin D Deficiency – Treatment and Diagnosis [Health and Medicine] [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 16940]
How does Vit D prevent cancer?
Blood serum 25-hydroxyvitamin-D needed to reduce cancer risk – Carole Baggerly (32mins)
Carole Baggerly set up after she met with researchers in the University of California, San Diego and discovered the significant role that Vitamin D plays in the prevention and treatment of many illnesses, including cancer.
How Vitamin D Reduces Incidence of Cancer: DINOMIT Model
(15.30 mins)
In a new study, researchers at the UCSD School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center used a complex computer prediction model to determine that intake of vitamin D3 and calcium would prevent 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer annually in the US and Canada. The researchers model also predicted that 75% of deaths from these cancers could be prevented with adequate intake of vitamin D3 and calcium. Join Dr. Cedric Garland, lead researcher on the study, as he discusses the implications of these findings and the proposed actions. Series: Vitamin D Deficiency – Treatment and Diagnosis [Health and Medicine] [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 16941]
Without Vit D diabetes runs rampant – as the magnesium is not absorbed, even if it is present in the right amounts in the diet.
Vitamin D and Diabetes-Can We Prevent it? (48 mins)
Dr Frank Garland, PhD, discusses vitamin D and the opportunity for prevention of diabetes. Series: Vitamin D Deficiency – Treatment and Diagnosis [2/2009] [Health and Medicine] [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 15771]
Possible 75% cancer mortality reduction with Vitamin D (5 mins)
Especially breast and bowel cancer prevention. In a new study, researchers at the Moores Cancer Center and Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, UC San Diego used a complex computer prediction model to determine that intake of vitamin D3 and calcium would prevent 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000 new cases of colorectal cancer annually in the US and Canada. The researchers model also predicted that 75% of deaths from these cancers could be prevented with adequate intake of vitamin D3 and calcium. Dr. Cedric Garland, UCSD School of Medicine, lead researcher on the study discusses the implications of this finding and the proposed actions. Series: Vitamin D Deficiency – Treatment and Diagnosis [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 16454]
We need Vitamin K2 (Dark green leafy vegies) to utilise the calcium and of course we need magnesium in order to use the calcium also.
Vitamin D: Interactions of Vitamin D and Calcium
(27 mins)
Dr Robert Heaney, MD, talks about vitamin D and calcium metabolism safety. Series: Vitamin D Deficiency – Treatment and Diagnosis [7/2010] [Health and Medicine] [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 18713]
(4.20 mins) (At least as well as Tamoxifen)
Study: Vitamin D Kills Cancer Cells – ABC News
The doctor brought in at the end of this as ‘balance’ is not telling the real story – I have added him in to show you that your own GP may say the same – we do NOT store VIT D and all of us are in risk groups – just watch the other footage – this is included to show what is normally portrayed – here is the answer, then the nay-sayers . .
Perhaps go here . .. what are you going to do for yourself and your loved ones?
Vitamin D and Disease Prevention
(1.55 hours) Dr. Robert Heaney speaks on Vitamin D. It starts with Carol Baggerly as the warm up speaker. (Breast cancer and Vitamin D) – blogger and owner of the site above. Really important to watch. Where do we go from here? RESEARCH – why – we know it works.
Where is anyone’s sense of urgency?
Please listen to Carol – approx. from 3 minutes in on protecting our children NOW. Start in the womb.
15.30 – 10 weeks better off from having cancer therapies – and lifelong damage to body/life .. what about Vitamin D? Get serum levels of Vitamin D up.
18 chart showing what happens when you get the Vitamin D up every disease has a distinct that is needed. Rickets is way not the problem – what about falls and breakages and elderly death? Vitamin D.
19 – Pregnancy conditions – pre eclampsia, pre term births and infections.
Almost ALL pregnancy complications/high risk’ challenges are as simple as better nutrition
Possibly THE most important role in pregnancy is to allow the magnesium and fat soluble vitamins to be absorbed PLUS presence of Vitamin D in larger amounts than usually given protects all aspects of a healthy pregnancy and childbirth. Taking more than needed is NOT dangerous as it is a pro hormone and vitamin, not a drug.
It is meant to be in our bodies. Especially in pregnancy and later life.
80% of pregnant women are Vit D deficient.
Vit D and pregnancy and childbirth
(57 mins) Professor Bruce Hollis is the director of Paediatric Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina and has studied vitamin D metabolism and nutrition for the past 35 years. He will discuss findings from his recent research on vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
(53 mins)
(Can see this here) Dr Carol Wagner, MD, discusses vitamin D and its role in growing health babies from pregnancy to lactation. Series: Vitamin D Deficiency – Treatment and Diagnosis [6/2010] [Health and Medicine] [Professional Medical Education] [Show ID: 18716]
Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy & breastfeeding
(42 mins) Dr Reinhold Vieth is an internationally recognized expert on the clinical nutrition of vitamin D as well as its pharmacology and safety. His research has followed vitamin D from the basic science lab to bone health and osteoporosis and cancer. His current focus includes the role of vitamin D deficiency in gestational diabetes and multiple sclerosis, including clinical trials of vitamin D treatment.