
Iron: As part of the hemoglobin molecule, iron is vital for healthy blood; iron also forms an essential part of many enzymes. Iron deficiency is associated with poor mental development and problems with the immune system. It is found in eggs, fish, liver, meat and green leafy vegetables. Iron from animal protein is more readily absorbed than iron from vegetable foods. The addition of fat-soluble vitamins found in butter and cod liver oil to the diet often results in an improvement in iron status. Recently, researchers have warned against inorganic iron used to supplement white flour. In this form, iron cannot be utilized by the body and its buildup in the blood and tissues is essentially a buildup of toxins. Elevated amounts of inorganic iron have been linked to heart disease and cancer.

Iron is not seen as crucial for thyroid function – and biologically available iron is not always possible.  Real iron measures are often missed as you need to know the iron stores – not just the hemoglobin blood results. Blood tests often are not for iron storage – hemaglobin levels alone are insufficient information.

When the gut function is not strong, iron may not be absorbed, regardless of what is being ingested or is from pills.

Need also to absorb iron – minute traces of minerals – molybdenum and copper and zinc

Start looking to heal your gut. Need more zinc and magnesium as well.
Take bioavailable iron in natural forms – esp organ meats and bone broths, and dark green veggies and egg yolks.

Bioavailabilty.Eat balanced, varied wholefoods.


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